Pistachio Pesto and Pasta Pura and Parmesan Twist Bread

Ingredients (x4):

¾ cup warm milk (warm to the touch – but not too hot as this will kill the yeast)
1 sachet instant yeast
1 tsp granulated sugar
3 large eggs
3 ½ cups all purpose flour (plus up to ½ cup more if necessary)
1 tsp salt
2 tbsp room temperature butter
Pesto di Pistachio
Pasta Pura 100%
¼ – ½ cup Parmesan (depending on taste)
Granella Crushed Pistachios (optional)


In a large bowl, combine milk, yeast, eggs, flour and salt.
Mix until flour is completely incorporated, which is about 4-5 minutes.
Add room temperature butter and continue mixing until fully combined. If dough is still sticky, add additional flour until it is smooth to the touch.
Cover the bowl and let sit for 1 hour or until doubled in size.
Once doubled, roll dough onto a lightly floured surface into a large rectangle.
Spread the pesto (I used two kinds for a bit of variation) onto the dough, ensuring it reaches all corners. Sprinkle parmesan on top and if you want a little added crunch, you can also add the crushed pistachios as well.
Starting with the long edge, roll tightly up until it forms a log and then pinch the edges to seal. Using a sharp knife, cut the log in half lengthwise leaving only a small portion connected at the end. Turn halves outwards to expose the layers of filling and then cross the dough ropes over each other until you have a long, twisted dough.
You can bake it like this if you’d rather a longer loaf, or twist it like pictured. To do this, curl the end in until you’ve reached half way and then curl the other end in the opposite direction. You want to make an ‘S’ shape with your dough.
Cover again and let rest in a warm place for about 45 minutes.
Pre-heat oven to 175 degrees and bake bread for 30-35 minutes. You want the top to be golden brown and the bread to be cooked through.
Best served warm.