In any part of the world you will find yourself tasting a dish in which the protagonist is the pistachio which will be presented as “pistachio of Bronte”, but is it really so? No, unfortunately not.


Today, pistachio is increasingly the subject of counterfeiting. In fact, pistachios are produced in different parts of the world but only Italy -despite being just 1% of world production- is the true homeland of pistachio with the town of Bronte, that is located on the slopes of the volcano Etna, in Sicily. The only truly original pistachios are those with the DOP brand produced in Bronte. The Consortium of green pistachios from Bronte DOP, which was established in 2004, presides over this precious fruit in order to protect it.


Emphasizing the difference of the Bronte DOP pistachio from all the others -thus, are in fact often just packaged in Bronte but actually come from other locations- is important to give the final consumer the information tools needed to better orientate themselves in the market and independently choose the product they intend to buy.